Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Pork replaced by Halal Meat at 185 Subways across the UK and Ireland

Ham and bacon has been taken off the menu 185 Subways across the UK and Ireland

       Ham and bacon has been taken off the menu 185 Subways across the UK and Ireland

None of the 185 branches of Subway across the UK and Ireland that now sell halal-only meat are in Lincolnshire.
Ham and bacon has been taken off the menu at these outlets as the sandwich chain said this was 'following strong demand from our Muslim customers'.
Muslims are forbidden from eating meat from pigs and any non-halal food and participating outlets will show a special 'All meats are Halal' sign.
In the halal-only branches ham and bacon has been substituted for turkey ham and rashers.
Currently none of the Subway stores in Lincolnshire are halal and it is the choice of individual outlets whether or not to be. One of the nearest halal only Subways is in Nottingham.
Traditionally halal butchers cut the throats of animals while they are fully conscious. Some halal butchers now practice pre-stunning but this is not permitted by some Islamic scholars.
In Britain, killing an animal while they are fully conscious is illegal, but the law gives special exemption, on religious grounds, to Muslim and Jewish meat producers.

Source: http://www.lincolnshireecho.co.uk/Pork-replaced-halal-185-Subways-UK-Ireland/story-21035395-detail/story.html#ixzz30ui5jG1y

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